Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nika's treats collection

I just can't resist buying treats for Nika. I'm a sucker for those yummy looking snacks. But I try to stick to my principle: No treats 2hours before food, no treats if less then 1/2 meal is eaten. Hope that everyone in the family will follow as well. Like I say, I'm a sucker for her treats so let's take a look at her treats collection.Twistix, Fish4Dogs (newest addition to collection),Burp Seafood stick,Angel's Apple-Glazed Lambits, Tempters

Vegetable cookies, Beef Jerky, Mother Hubbard's Assorted Bitz, Daily Selection Chicken Fillet Rolled Banana, Burp Milk Sticks

Healthy treat! Wellbars from Wellness! Gave away 3/4 packet as my unhealthy girl refuse to eat healthy snacks *ROAR*

Ziggies to stuff into her Kong toy and to keep her entertained. End result: she don't want to eat. **DOUBLE ROAR*
Absent from the pictures are: Knotted milk bone,milk slipper,cookies from USDB. I like to buy cookies from USDB as they are healthier then the usual commercial treats but my girl is an unhealthy girl and she don't like them a lot :( So I give her pieces of apples and HCF when I'm off. I have made up my mind to STOP buying treat until she has finish at least 1/2 of them. So help me,stop coming up with such delicious treats!!! Arghhhh~~~

Sunday, February 22, 2009

21/02/09 Saturday
Day out @ Sentosa. Nika's 1st time @ the beach. Rain,rain and more rain :(
She seem a bit afraid of the water, have to arry her and slowly walk to the water,but still, she choose not to swim. And ya,she's afraid of the schnauzer in the video.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reunion dinner last

After dinner pics uploaded. But where's the food pics? DuhhhhPreparing...waiting

There,pretty pretty

Family portrait...act cute...bleah!

End of dinner. 2 crazy sisters,don't ask me what are we doing

Monday, February 16, 2009

Choc-a-block of Nika-li-cious

"Secret hiding place"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I absolutely forgot to thank hubby for the Vday's present. No candlelight dinner,no roses (I truly feel that flowers are a waste of $$),no lomantic places, just my favourite chocs :D Pink champagne truffle from Prestat and Caramel fudge from Jones the Grocer. Thank you lao gong. Sorry that I did not get you anything :(, thought that we agreed not to celebrate. I love my chocs yumyum. Muacks!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Just back from the SKC dog show @ Expo, dead tired. AND we forgot to take a group pic. :(:(:( Nika had a fun day barking and playing with the dogs there too. Took only like 5 pics for the whole day and all was not very clear as Nika is too excited to stay still. Just 1 is clear enough to post up here for you to see. Nika (mini dachshund) with Rasco (Great Dane). Its really a HUGE difference. For all of you out there. Cheers!Rasco & Nika
Dundum (Fox Terrier), Rasco (Great Dane), Droka (Pug), Nika (Mini Dachshund). At last a group picture :D

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hmm,can't remeber what I want to say.
Oh ya,
Going to the SKC dog show at expo tomorrow. Confirmed attendance list:
Nika-mini dachshund
Dumdum-fox terrier
Total will be 5 humans + 3 dogs. will meet my friend over there,she's bringing her Great Dane! Woohoo!! It's a doggie party tomorrow!!
Nika dropped 2 teeth :D My baby is growing up fast. Awww

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm just too lazy to update so just a brief summary :p
10/02/09 Tue
Had lunch with dajie and mum at My Humble House. The food there is yummy and resonably priced. After lunch dajie went back to work so me and mum continued shopping. Got a pair of flats for work.Finally got myself a pair of shoes. Hope it won't give me any blisters,I've got sensitive feet. Relaxed at TCC for cake and coffee and went to have a look at furniture. I found my bed! Serta mattress,king size,latex material :) Price is $4040 for the queen size latex foam,includes 2x memory pillow, 2x normal pillows, 2x mattress protector, 2x mattress cover and also includes the sheep! Forgot to ask the price for the king size. OK, hubby is going to faint when he sees the price, but this is a life time investment mah and my mum say she's going to give to us,I think. It's just so comfy! Awww
09/02/09 Mon
Brought the dogs (Nika & DumDum) to Urban Pooch @ Balestier but it was CLOSED!! It's supposed to be open everyday till 10pm. As usual Nika barked non-stop when she saw DumDum. Want to play,run up and bark and run away duhh~ Decided to go to Miss Clarity @ Upp Thomson,reached there and guess what? It had closed down!! ??? Lucky there's a Hong Kong cafe there which allowed us to bring the dogs. Food is cheap,not very delicious but still can do. After that went to Yishun dam to let them run around. Whew~really exercise for us too. I was in my work clothes but luckily wearing flats.
Just a random pic of Nika after bath :)
The dogs at Yishun dam. Can't get too close,she will want to play and can't keep still.

Tired DumDum after the outing

Nika KO in the car too!

My baby dropped a tooth!
07/02/09 Sat
Had reunion steamboat with the sec sch girls. It's really like a annual meet up for us. Nobody bothers to organise so we just leave it at that. Angie's going to US in March for 2 years :(
Picture with Angie before she leaves
Group pic!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Went for our flat selection today. We got our 1st choice,9th floor, nearest to market & hawker center & bus-stop. Now is the BIG project, Saving up. :(
Yayyy~I get to use the pc as mummy & daddy was bad to me today. Ok,not that bad but to me,they are bad enough. They went to select their flat today at this very crowded place,with lots of people walking around. They get to enjoy the air-con while I have to wait outside as I'm not allowed in. Hmph! I'm such a cute little doggie,everyone says so,so why can't I go in. Anyway,I'm quite contented waiting outside as everyone who walk pass me will go "Oh what a cute dog,so cute". :p Kiss the ground that I walk on humans! Hehe! After lunch we went home,boy wasn't I tired. I K.O the moment i touch the cushion.
Mummy & Daddy:No you did not! You bark for us to pat you to sleep before you doze off.

Let's just ignore what they just said and continue. It's MY turn to use the pc anyway. After dinner I went to the vet for my 4th jab. I recognise the place even before we enter. I was moving about,trying to struggle out of the room before the gentle vet poke me with her needle again. This time she looked into my ear and boy,did I scream out loud. I let out a ear-piercing scream that had all of them in shock. The same scream I gave when the groomer uncle poked into my ear. I was told that my ear was a bit dirty inside and it's very difficult to clean as it is really right inside. Miss Vet gave mummy and daddy this bottle to poke into my ears everyday to clean it. Good luck cleaning my ears. Ok,I'm tired and I'm logging off now. Till next time all my fans.

Posted by the sweet little girl-Nika