Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my purchase is here!

Nika: My purchases are here! Although my birthday is not until August, I can get myself an early pressie right :) I chose what I want and using mummy's card, I got them from the net. With permission of cos. I got a "Buddy Belt". It's a leather harness made with we,dachies in mind :D It won't cause any strain on the neck and is comfortable to use, even if we have long beautiful hair, it won't cause tangles. Of cos, any breed can use it, not only dachies. So what are you guys waiting for? BJ, DoMo, Saltee, Vinnie...hurry...get your parents to get you 1 soon...comes in pretty colours to choose from too :D More details can be found at: Oh, did I mention that I got 2 new leash for myself as well? Not that mine is damaged and I need more but it's just so cute! Thank you mummy and I promise no more accessories for the rest of this year :DD yes it's minemetallic aqua blue with pearl detailsduno why the pic comes out invertedfront viewside I have the looks to be a model :pwhich Nika is which? daddy disturbing me and me playing with my squeaky


chloejessica said...

Yay for early birthday presents! And cute pictures! :)

DoMoFi said...

The harness looks cool! :)

billiejean said...

hey Nika, that toy dog is the same size as you.. and looks like you too! You got a friend now.

oolong cha said...

chloejessica: Thx, You look so sweet too.

d0gl0v3r: Go check it out..many to choose from.

BJ: Mummy got that toy dog b4 she got me . Hmph! And it sleeps with her at night.