Thursday, January 29, 2009

Family outing cum bday celebration

1st day of CNY. Did not went anywhere as we're not allowed to celebrate cos of family matters. Can't remember if I did anything much. Hmm short memory span. That's oolong-cha for you :p

2nd day of CNY. Some relatives drop by to visit and mahjong session, but not with me. I have totally no interest in mahjong. At night, we have a family outing to.....









St James!!

Keke! We made a booking at Firefly as there is the live band playing cantopop. Like what my youngest sis said "We have to cater to the elderly" Duhhh. It was really a family outing. Let's see who's present: Mum + 3 of us + my sis's bf, Aunt Honey + son, daughter and son-in-law, Aunt Jenny, Aunt Ginny, Aunt Ah-Lai + daughter and son-in-law, 3 cousins + 1 husband=18 of family members! Wowo! And also the bday celebration of the 3 sisters: my mum and 2 aunts. One after the other, 28,29 and 30 January. Well I think that they Aunt Ginny was pretty high that night judging by the way she dance. It was really a fun filled night. Pictures to be uploaded soon. Cheers!

Met up with the girls for dinner at Kushin-bo! My 1st time there and the food is yummy. Enjoyed the part where the bell rang and everyone had to rush to queue for the special item. So fun! We had a wonderful and full dinner. Next meet up will be a post V-day celebration. Till then, take care 38s!

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